Help the Friends of Catalina State Park with its mission of promoting, improving, and preserving Catalina State Park for present and future generations. With a donation of an engraved brick placed on the new Bobcat Amphitheater stage, you can help Friends of Catalina State Park provide funds for needed projects. Our current projects include: completion of the Amphitheater, supporting the Catalina Nature Program, Buffelgrass removal, park improvement projects and supporting the staff and volunteers in everyday operations. Your help is greatly appreciated!
Order Online Here – Welcome to Friends of Catalina State Park Website (polarengraving.com)
Orders are placed at the end of each month and take 2 months from this time to be completed.
For questions, contact Elaine Omar at [email protected]
Fiends of Catalina State Park is a nonprofit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Your donation is tax deductible to the extent provided by law. Our EIN# is 45-4818642.