The park is open! As of April 2021 Catalina State Park is open for fun and adventure. Since March 2020 the park has been partially open for limited activities. On April 2, park manager Steve Haas said “ we are completely open now, meaning the campgrounds, group areas, and trails within the state park are open to all. Also the highly popular concerts in the park series will start up again the first Saturday in May. “ Unfortunately the Forest Service trails will be closed until October of this year. This includes the popular trail to Romero Pools.
Thank you donors for helping out following the devastating Big Horn fire! Numerous park users have donated funds for restoration projects. Also a big thanks to Roche Molecular Solutions for a substantial grant.
Welcome to the Friends of Catalina State Park Board of Directors, Linda Brown. Linda is a long term camp host and is always helping out in the campground and office. Best of all Linda has volunteered to be newsletter editor. Read her article detailing her first-hand experience during the Big Horn fire.
Buy a tile- leave a legacy. Friends of Catalina State Park has contributed over $170,000 toward park improvements, programs and projects since 2012. This would not be possible without the generosity of all of us who love the park. FOCSP’s current fundraising project is the second phase of the mural wall. Donna Stoner has created another whimsical masterpiece to be constructed on the back side of the current mural. Visit the friends website friendscsp.org to download an order form and leave your message on a distinctive mural tile.
Most important of all, take advantage of our beautiful Spring weather and visit Catalina State Park. See you on the trails or at the May concert!
Jim Logan